Saturday, July 14

The Planetary Society is Having a Curiosity Party

The Planetary Society will be watching and hopefully celebrating the successful landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars next month.  You can join the Society members at Planetfest 2012, being held August 4th and 5th in Pasadena, CA.   The purpose of the gathering is pretty simple: 

Few space events carry the power of a Mars landing in real-time – experienced with a community of other people interested in space, and with experts describing the process as it unfolds.  It’s nail-biting time as the countdown nears – to the yet unknown success or failure of one of engineering’s greatest feats, a landing on an alien world.  Discussions and entertainment wrap around the actual landing, building excitement and also knowledge, especially for future explorers.

Other similar events are being held in other parts of the country.  Check here for the latest list.

Whether or not you can attend an event you can still watch Planetfest 2012 via webcast.  Wherever you might be, you will want to watch this historic event.