Tuesday, September 25

David Brooks on Elon Musk

Last week's piece by New York Time's David Brooks, Temerity at the Top, was an interesting article on why America needs more Elon Musks.  Brooks holds up Elon Musk as an example of an immigrant who transformed the American economy, and the American dream, through his efforts.

...if growth is ever going to rebound, the U.S. will need a grandiosity rebound and the policies that encourage rich people with brass: immigration policies that attract people like Musk, tax rates that encourage risk and government policies that boost them along (SpaceX has benefited greatly from NASA, and Tesla received a big government loan).

Most of all, there has to be a culture that gives two cheers to grandiosity. Government can influence growth, but it’s people like Musk who create it. Stories like his are worth repeating because maybe some reader will think: What grand transformational process do I want to be a part of? If Musk pinioned his life to the Internet, electric cars and interplanetary travel, what are my projects? 

A BusinessWeek profile cited by Brooks is also worth viewing to learn more about Musk and his projects.  In terms of SpaceX, the author of the profile had this to say about the plant:

One group of workers is assembling the protective casing that will go around a satellite for a potential customer—the governments of both Canada and Thailand are interested, Musk says. Next year, SpaceX looks to launch eight flights, and as many as 16 the following year. If it hits those goals, SpaceX would be handling the majority of the world’s commercial spaceflights. (Companies like Virgin Galactic are offering trips for tourists.) In three years, SpaceX intends to send people to the space station for $20 million each, rather than the $63 million charged today. SpaceX may be Musk’s most solid performer—it already turns a profit as it works through its backlog of orders.
I agree with Brooks.  We need both dreamers and solid cooperation between the private sector and the federal government to bring America to the next level.  The private space cowboys are a good place to start.